Uh-oh, ya'll...I've finally taken the step to start my blog. I'm excited, scared, anxious, and relieved all at the same time. For those of you that do not know me, I am a licensed cosmetologist and professional makeup artist. Now, I know what you're thinking: how is this blog going to be any different from the other 1000's of blogs about beauty that are out there? Well, my goal is to keep it all the way real. I'm excited to share my knowledge, experiences, and discoveries with you. Throw in my candor and jokes and we've got a good time! I'll try not to overwhelm you with things other than beauty but real life happens so, hey, this blog may cover a little bit of that, too.
Now, what in the world brought me to this moment? Well, creative writing has always been a love of mine and so has beauty. I've been writing since I could hold a pencil and fell in love with hair and makeup around the ages of 13 and 17, respectively. I'm my mother's only daughter out of 6 kids, bless her heart. I'm also her baby! Imagine dealing with boys for 14 years and here comes this little girl. My poor mama tried her best with my hair and, later, makeup. Needless to say, I pretty much had to teach myself as did she. My great grandmother was a cosmetologist, but I guess it skipped a couple generations. Anywho, I was also a dancer which made these skills a necessity. There were so many performances, especially as I got older, where I had to fend for myself. The more I did it, the more I learned, and the more I enjoyed it. Now, I didn't declare cosmetology and makeup artistry as solid careers until after graduating undergrad and deciding to do something that I truly, wholeheartedly enjoyed (instead of going to grad school and pursuing a "traditional" higher degree). I can see myself doing this forever and a day. I love being able to help empower people, women especially, brighten up their day, and even be a shoulder if necessary. It's a bonus that I don't actually feel like I'm working.
And, of course, everyone ultimately has their own ideas about beauty, but I love educating clients about the methods to all of the madness. Then, cue my blog! Seriously, I want this blog to be fun, interactive, and educational and I look forward to connecting with fellow beauty junkies and learning new things myself. I'm just thankful that you all want to take this journey with me!